Sreenigne (Engineers in reverse) is a co-operation of independent engineers that have dedicated their careers to serving the power and industrial communities. The majority of our experience has been working for independent service and manufacturing firms providing the needs of the end users.
After spending over 30 years providing services and manufacturing spare parts for Utility, Power Generation and Industrial customers around the world,we felt it was time to give the customer what they have been asking for:
Control over their outage costs, schedules and the quality of the service they receive.
It is with this primary focus we have begun our company. The sourcing of spare parts is a difficult and expensive part of any utility outage. Without the drawings to allow manufacture of the required spare parts, the end user has been forced to either go to the OEM or use one of the third party firms available.
What happens when the OEM is the only source that can provide the part? High prices and excessively long lead times! If you are able to source from a third party provider, how do you know that what you receive is correct?
With our drawings, your firm can source these parts more efficiently, improve the number of firms that can compete for your work and also allows you to inspect what you receive.

Reverse Engineering
During our years of service to the industry, we have provided reverse engineering services and manufactured spare parts for most of the major OEM's to support the work they perform on "other" competitor's equipment. Our team of engineers will use their talents, in the reverse engineering and manufacturing of spare parts for the end user and the OEMs, and offer the "drawings" directly to the end user.
Reverse Engineering requires intimate knowledge of not just the function and materials of construction of the components, but also have to understand the manufacturing requirements that must be followed to acheive OEM quality spare parts. All reverse engineering focuses on the following:
Form: Every component is defined by the dimensions and other physical charactoristics, such as materials and coatings, that make up the component.
Fit: Details of how the individual components work in assemblies or with other related components to serve their designated function.
Function: What the component is suppose to do, and not do, during service. Service life is also considered by Sreenigne to be a vital "function" of the component.
Flaws: What flaws are inherent to the original design? Looking for creative and often industry standard methods to remove or reduce the flaws thus allowing for longer, safer service life for each component.
Manufacturing requirements: Specific components have defined methods required to be performed to ensure the proper service function and life of the components.